Tuesday 15 May 2012



Hi everyone!!!
We are best friend forever but we have different interest of activities.
As you can see, Yana and Sue like leisure activities.
But Ati and Sel like extreme activities.
Now it's time for us to challenge each other.
Ati and Sel will challenge Yana and Sue to do extreme activities and Ati and Sel do leisure activities.
We call it 'Extreme vs Leisure activities'
Make sure all of you stay tune with us to see what activities we will do v(^_^)v

Before that, we would love to inform to you some information about EXTREME and LEISURE activities..

 a. known as extreme sport, action sport and adventure sport
          b. certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger.
          c.  activities that are associated with an adrenaline rush that is felt by the participant.
examples - BASE jumping, cliff jumping, extreme motorsport, ice climbing, extreme biking, rock climbing, paragliding, surfing, white water rafting etc

a.  having free time for ease & relaxation
          b.  not occupied or engaged 
          c.  without hurrying
examples - attending concerts, bus tours, canoeing, designing clothes, drawing, cycling, bird watching,home deco etc

We also provide you some of the links about  EXTREME and LEISURE activities..



kind regards, 